Monday, July 28, 2008


So It's monday.
And I sold my xbox 360.

I'm bored as a mother.
so I'll just list some random shit that's running through my mind.

-I hate ignorance.
-why does my house smell like garlic?
-this new "Madvillainy 2" seems wayyyyy promising.
-I want to learn how to fuck around with HTML a bit more.
-I should be getting more views on my blog. I've had it for a year now, and only 50 views? ...the fuck.
- J Dilla >
- I don't know what to with the money that I'll be getting.
- I've realized that left nostril is bigger than the right, which really annoys me because I hate looking at myself in the morning.
- My left shoulder is slightly bigger than my right....weird?
- Fuck-face is a funny word.
- I really hate my toes. Specially my half-nail left toe...which looks coming soon :camface:
- the word uber >>>>>>
- I can finally recognize drum patterns, and distinguish which producer produced a specific song...great!
- I want to work for [Adult Swim] when I get older. or something like that. google perhaps?

Sniperlite coming soon.

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